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Choosing College Courses - Difficulty Level

Hey everyone! I'm starting college soon and was wondering about the courses. What's typically considered the 'easiest' course to take (any subject) in college in general in terms of workload and complexity? Just looking for some insights to maintain a nice balance in my schedule. Everyone's perspective might differ so any input is appreciated!

3 months ago

Hi there! The concept of 'easy' really varies significantly by individual - what can feel like a breeze to one person might seem tricky to another. That said, oftentimes elective courses that cater to your strengths and personal interests can be a good way to help balance out more challenging coursework. For example, if you enjoy art or music, consider classes in those subject areas.

First-year seminar courses can also provide a nice balance. They typically aren't overly challenging but provide a great way to learn about a special topic you're interested in. They also usually have small class sizes and offer a good opportunity to get to know a professor better, which is a bonus!

Another thing to consider is taking introductory courses in different fields. Not only do they usually provide a broad overview without delving into excessively complex topics, but they also could end up sparking an interest you didn't realize you had.

However, remember that the purpose of college is to challenge yourself and learn new things. So while it is essential to maintain mental health and prevent burnout, try to prioritize engagement and passion over perceived difficulty.

Lastly, it's also helpful to look at course ratings and talk to upperclassmen about their experiences with various courses and professors. They can provide first-hand advice on which courses are especially demanding or more manageable.

Good luck with your first semester - you're going to do great!

3 months ago

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