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Choosing College Electives

I'm feeling a tad overwhelmed choosing electives for next semester. Some say it's an opportunity to explore new areas, and I agree. Just curious though, what's often seen as the 'easiest' elective? (Just as a guideline, not necessarily going to pick that). Thanks!

3 months ago

When it comes to picking what's considered an 'easy' elective, it can vary significantly depending on both the subject matter and the structure of the course. However, it's important to understand that 'easy' can be relative and students often find courses easier when they're genuinely interested in and engaged the material.

That being said, some students often find introductory courses in psychology or sociology to be approachable and interesting without overwhelming amounts of coursework. Similarly, intro to art or music appreciation classes can provide a nice break from more rigorous, major-specific classes, as they typically focus on observation and experience, rather than intensive studying or math/problem solving. Another class to consider might be a physical education course or a fun activity class like yoga or dance, which can provide a stress-relieving break from academic coursework.

Remember, though, that what one person finds easy, another might not. You might want to ask upperclassmen or peer mentors within your own department or major what they have found to be 'easy' electives. They will have the closest perspective to you and may know about low-stress courses within your field that also fulfill some of your elective requirements.

Balance is key when planning a schedule, and finding a mix of classes that cater to your interests, challenge you, and allow for some breadth of study would be a good strategy to aim for. In any case, remember that your elective courses are opportunities for exploration and enrichment, so don't shy away from courses that sound fascinating even if they might be a bit more challenging. You're there to learn, after all!

3 months ago

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