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Choosing between small military branches in the U.S.

Hey guys, lately I've been thinking a lot about my options after high school, and the military is something I've been considering. Among the six branches of the U.S. military, which one is actually the second smallest and why do you think this is? What kinds of roles are available in this branch? Thanks in advance!

3 months ago

The second smallest branch of the United States Military is the U.S. Coast Guard. It's probably smaller due to its specific missions; it has a broad mandate for maritime law enforcement and search and rescue operations in U.S. territorial waters, and its resources are consequently more limited than other branches which operate globally.

The Coast Guard provides a variety of roles across various sectors. For example, in Operations, you might become a Boatswain's Mate where you'll be responsible for nearly everything on deck of a Coast Guard cutter or at a small boat station. It's a very hands-on, active duty role and those in it can progress to become a Commanding Officer of a cutter or Officer in Charge of a small station.

In Aviation, you have options like becoming an Avionics Electrical Technician, where you'll be responsible for installing and maintaining avionics systems, or an Aviation Maintenance Technician, where you'll maintain and repair aircraft engines and propellers.

There are also roles in Support such as a Storekeeper who controls inventory, an Electronics Technician who maintains electronic systems or a Health Services Technician who provides healthcare.

These are just a few examples of the many roles available in the U.S. Coast Guard. The roles you can join are often contingent on ASVAB scores, so it's worth researching more about these roles and what they require. Do reach out to a military career counselor or check the official Coast Guard website for more in-depth information!

3 months ago

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