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Inquiry about College Grading Systems

So, I've heard that there are colleges out there with an 'easier' grading system. What does this mean exactly? And which colleges are we talking about? Is it a myth or something?

a month ago

When people refer to colleges with 'easier' grading systems, they're usually emphasizing two primary factors: grade inflation & grading policies. Let me explain each of these:

Grade inflation refers to the tendency of colleges over time to award progressively higher academic grades for work that would have previously been considered average, given the same quality. This is sometimes observed in prestigious universities where a high proportion of students receive As. This potentially makes it easier for students to maintain high GPAs. Harvard has notably been called out for grade inflation in the past—their median grade is an A-, and the most frequently awarded grade is an A.

Some other schools like Stanford, Yale, and Brown have a similar reputation for grade inflation. Brown University, for example, implements grade non-disclosure, meaning an undergraduate student's grades are not officially reported, only whether they've completed the course satisfactorily or not. This strategy can ease academic pressure and stress.

Grading policies vary by university. Some schools might evaluate you on a curve, where your grade isn't determined by your individual performance, but how you perform relative to others. Others might offer pass/fail options for certain courses, or they may have alternative grading scales altogether. Hampshire College, for instance, doesn't use traditional grading at all - instead, they have written evaluations from professors.

But be aware! Easier grading doesn't mean easier education. At many of these schools, the coursework is rigorous, and students are expected to master high-level concepts. Nor does it mean that it is easier to get in; many of these universities are extremely selective in their admissions processes.

So the consensus: It is not a myth, there are schools with grading systems that may be considered 'easier', mostly due to grade inflation and grading policies. But one important note, don't pick a school based on the perceived "ease" of its grading system. Factors like fit, academic programs, campus life, and financial aid are much more critical considerations in your college decision process.

a month ago

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