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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Is a 94th percentile PSAT score competitive?

Just found out I scored in the 94th percentile on my PSAT. Is this score something to celebrate? How does it reflect on my college admissions journey ahead and what steps should I take from here to keep up the momentum?

a year ago

Congratulations on scoring in the 94th percentile on your PSAT—that is a fantastic achievement! It's absolutely something to celebrate and indicates that you are within the top 6% of students who took the exam, which is impressive. While the PSAT is not used for college admissions, it is a precursor to the SAT and can predict your potential performance on that test.

Your current score suggests that you're on track for a strong SAT score, which can be a significant component of your college application. To maintain your momentum, consider beginning dedicated SAT prep, if you haven't already. Focus on any areas where your PSAT indicated you could improve.

Additionally, keep up with your high school coursework and seek out challenging classes to further develop your skills. This score can also put you in the running for National Merit Scholarships if it falls within the cutoff, so be sure to check those requirements. Continue working hard and using this positive outcome as motivation for your upcoming college admissions work!

a year ago

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