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Duke University




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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Admissions Intensity for Engineering Colleges

Hey guys! So, I'm totally set on pursuing engineering for my undergrad, but I'm honestly a bit freaked out about the admissions process. Do any of you have any knowledge about the easiest engineering colleges to get accepted into? Any enlightenment would help me big time!

5 months ago

Absolutely! The field of engineering is quite broad, which enables a number of schools to provide solid engineering programs, including some institutions with more accommodating acceptance rates. Here are a few colleges that have relatively higher acceptance rates while offering commendable engineering programs:

1. Iowa State University: This university has a pretty high acceptance rate, but at the same time, their College of Engineering is highly respected and offers a challenging curriculum across various engineering disciplines.

2. University of Kansas: It's famed School of Engineering has a variety of engineering programs and getting into KU is generally quite attainable.

3. University of North Dakota: Their College of Engineering & Mines has a robust program with a wide range of engineering disciplines.

Remember that while admission rates can help us to get an idea about the accessibility of the institution, it doesn't necessarily reflect the quality of the education provided. However, these schools have a reputation for striking a balance between accessibility and the strength of their engineering programs.

Additionally, make sure to examine other factors that are important to you when choosing a college, such as location, student culture, costs, financial aid availability, and internships or co-op opportunities, among others, to ensure you find a good fit for your academic and personal aspirations. Good Luck!

5 months ago

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