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Choosing Non-Science Majors: Easiest science class recommendations?

Totally not a science person here, but I know I'll have to take some science classes for my core curriculum at most colleges. For those who have been in the same boat, will you please shed some light on what the easiest science class in college for non-science majors might be?

5 months ago

Absolutely, it's a common requirement at many colleges to complete some level of science coursework. But don't worry, there are usually options put in place specifically for non-science majors that are both accessible and interesting.

One class that comes to mind often for non-science majors is Astronomy. Many students find this subject approachable because it doesn’t typically dive deep into complex equations or lab work. Instead, you get to learn about celestial bodies, the universe, and phenomena beyond Earth - essentially the science of what's happening up above us in the sky.

Another common choice is Environmental Science or Ecology, which covers concepts relating to the environment, ecosystem, climate change, and conservation. It often incorporates current events and policy, which may resonate with non-science students who are interested in real-world applications and the environment.

A class in Psychology can also be a good fit. Subjects like Introduction to Psychology often count towards science requirements and offer an understanding of human behavior, cognitive processes, and neurological aspects—an enlightening experience for many students.

Biology for Non-majors or Human Biology can also be an accessible option. They lean more toward understanding the human body and our interaction with the natural environment rather than the more hard-core cellular or genetics work of higher level biology classes.

Ultimately, the "easiness" of a course can depend on your interest in the subject matter, the professor, and specific curriculum at your college. When the class schedule is released, I suggest checking professor ratings and syllabuses when available, as this can give you a good sense of a course's workload and complexity, and how previous students have experienced the course.

5 months ago

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