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Easiest college degrees that pay well?

Hey guys, I'm currently a junior trying to figure out my college major and I'm honestly a bit lost. I was wondering what some of the easiest college degrees are that also have a solid pay scale? I want a good work-study balance in college but also want to ensure I can support myself when I graduate.

5 months ago

Well, the definition of an 'easy' degree can differ among students based on their interests and strengths. For instance, a student with a natural inclination towards numbers might find a Business degree easy, whereas someone with strong communication skills may find English or Communications a breeze. However, it's essential to note that all majors require a certain level of commitment and work.

That being said, here are a few degrees that are often touted as more straightforward and still offer relatively high-earning potentials.

1. Business Administration/Management: Many find this degree beneficial due to its broad applicability across industries. It equips you with knowledge in areas like marketing, finance, human resources and can lead to roles such as a business analyst, operations manager or marketing coordinator.

2. Communications: This course focuses on effective interpersonal, intrapersonal, and organizational communication, which are crucial in any job. Careers for this major can include public relations, social media management, and event planning.

3. Information Technology (IT): IT or related degrees can be quite manageable for people who are naturally tech-savvy. The demand for IT specialists is high, and the compensation is usually above average.

4. Health Sciences: This major can lead to a myriad of roles within the health field, including administration, therapy, and consulting. If you're considering fields like occupational therapy or public health, this could be a great option.

5. Criminal Justice: If you're considering a career in law enforcement or the legal field, a criminal justice degree can be a relatively straightforward path. Potential careers include police officer, federal agent, or corrections officer.

Remember, choosing a major should not solely hinge on ease or salary prospects. You should also consider your interests and what you might enjoy studying and working in for years to come. Finding that balance can lead to both satisfaction and success in your chosen career.

5 months ago

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