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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Getting into college in Texas - which ones are easiest?

Howdy! I'm from Texas and I want to consider all of my options in-state for college. Does anyone know which colleges are generally easy to get into here? But at the same time, I don't want to sacrifice on the quality of education.

a month ago

Sure thing! In addition to the well-known flagship universities in Texas such as University of Texas at Austin and Texas A&M which are quite selective, there are many Texas colleges and universities that are known for their quality education yet have higher acceptance rates. Here are a few examples:

1. Texas State University: Located in San Marcos, it has a broad range of majors and provides a balance between a large, public university and a close-knit community.

2. Stephen F. Austin State University: Located in Nacogdoches, it is recognized for its strong programs in education, forestry, and nursing. It has a higher acceptance rate while still offering high-value education.

3. Sam Houston State University: Noted particularly for its Criminal Justice program, Sam Houston State has a strong footprint in the state and offers a wide array of degree programs.

4. University of North Texas: Situated in Denton, UNT is particularly well-known for its strong Fine Arts and Education programs.

5. University of Houston-Downtown: It’s located in the heart of the city, and while it's a more accessible institution in terms of admission, it offers strong programs in Business and Environmental Sciences.

Each of these institutions comes with its own unique character, academic strengths, campus culture, and lifestyle. Have a close look at the academic programs, location, cost, size, and extracurricular opportunities to see what suits you best. Best of luck!

a month ago

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