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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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What easy part-time jobs work well with a college student schedule?

Hi there, I'm trying to balance college and work. I want to find a part-time job that won't interfere too much with my studies. Suggestions for jobs that are manageable for students?

a month ago

Sure, I can definitely provide some suggestions.

1. Library Assistant: Many universities hire students to work part-time in the library. The tasks typically involve organizing books, assisting library-goers, and sometimes managing the front desk. The environment is excellent for studying during downtime.

2. Resident Assistant (RA): If you live on campus, consider applying to be an RA. You'll be responsible for ensuring the well-being of residents in your hall and organizing social events. RA positions typically come with the benefit of free room and board.

3. Peer Tutor: If you excel at a specific subject, you can help other students while earning money. Many schools have tutoring centers and hire students. Alternatively, you can offer your services independently.

4. On-Campus Jobs: Various departments in universities hire students for roles like research assistant, administrative assistant, IT support, etc. These jobs often provide a working schedule that aligns with your class schedule.

5. Food Service/Cafe Worker: Working in university dining services or local cafes could provide a consistent schedule that fits outside class times.

6. Retail Jobs: Local businesses in college towns often seek part-time help and are typically flexible about working around class schedules.

Just remember, while having a job in college can be great for earning money and gaining experience, balance is key - you don't want to overcommit and jeopardize your academics. Good luck with your search!

a month ago

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