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Seeking easy class suggestions at Quinnipiac University

I'm looking at options for classes at Quinnipiac University for next semester. I'm already taking some heavy duty courses, so I'd appreciate suggestions on what some of the easiest classes to balance my schedule out might be.

3 months ago

When considering lighter coursework to balance a heavy schedule, it can be beneficial to look at general education (GE) requirements that you may not have fulfilled yet. Note that the difficulty of a course can be largely subjective and depends on an individual's strengths, interests, and academic background. However, I might be able to give some suggestions.

In the Humanities department, many students find courses like "HUM 150: Perspectives on the Human Journey" interesting and not overly taxing. Not only might you find it enjoyable, but it could also tick off a GE requirement.

In the Sociology department, courses such as "SO 101: Introduction to Sociology" are often seen as easier and could give you valuable insights into societal structures and norms without flooding you with complex tasks.

A course in the Communications department might also be helpful. "COM 130: Media Literacy" is often noted for its engaging content and manageable workload.

Lastly, if you enjoy physical activity, consider signing up for a class in the Physical Education department, such as a fitness class, yoga, or a sport you enjoy.

Remember to check each class syllabus and speak with peers or advisers to get a better understanding of the course workload before making your final decisions. It's always wise to diversify your course load and strike a balance between challenges and more manageable classes.

3 months ago

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