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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Looking for easy and interesting online college classes - any tips?

Hey everyone, due to COVID I am trying to take as many online classes as possible next semester. I'm overwhelmed just scrolling through the course catalogues… do any of you have personal experiences with easy and interesting online courses that you could suggest? I'm open to anything.

3 months ago

Absolutely, finding classes that not only fulfill your requirements but also keep you interested can be quite a task. It's also crucial to find courses that translate well into an online learning environment. Here are a few general courses that have been well-received in the online format:

1. Introductory Psychology: Many students find Psychology courses fascinating and not overly difficult. You'll get to learn about elements like developmental psychology, cognitive psychology, abnormal psychology, and social psychology. The course usually requires reading and some form of online discussion, but rarely has difficult exams.

2. Creative Writing: If you have an interest in storytelling, creative writing classes can be a fun break from more technical or factual courses. They are generally project-based and involve a lot of writing and peer-reviewing other student's work.

3. Environmental Science: If you're interested in the natural world and current environmental challenges, Environmental Studies might be worth considering. This course involves a holistic view of environmental issues, examining the intersection of natural sciences, economics, social sciences, and policy-making.

4. Introduction to Philosophy: If you enjoy pondering life's big questions, this class could be for you. This class tends to be reading intensive with a few essay assignments, but is typically not heavy on exams.

5. Introduction to Coding: Basic coding skills are becoming important in many fields, and an intro class can be a great place to start. Coding is generally very project-based, so this class would have fewer traditional exams, instead focusing on your code for projects.

Before enrolling, it might be beneficial to check out course reviews or chat with current students who have taken the course previously. Additionally, consider how these courses align with your academic goals or interests - they can help you grow not only academically but personally as well. Happy studying!

3 months ago

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