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Easier Coursework for USA Credit at Stony Brook University?

Hey fellow high schoolers, I'm thinking of applying to Stony Brook University and I want to learn about some of the less challenging classes there that I could take to get USA credits. I'm focused on maintaining a balanced workload for my first year. Any insights?

3 months ago

Hi there! It's important to remember that the difficulty of courses can often be subjective, but I'll do my best to give you some ideas. At Stony Brook University, some students have reported finding introductory level courses, or "survey" courses, to be on the less challenging side while still fulfilling the USA (Understanding, Shaping, and Analyzing) credit requirements.

For instance, the introductory Anthropology and Sociology classes both receive positive feedback routinely for being engaging yet manageable, and they could fit the "Understanding" requirement. If you're inclined towards the arts, you might find the introductory level music or art history classes to be relatively lighter while still intellectually stimulating. Understanding Music is one example that could count towards "Analyzing".

Meanwhile, some students suggest steering clear of the introductory science classes for USA credits, as they might require heavier workload and rigorous study.

Don't forget that freshman level seminars (FSS) and the COL courses (College Learning Skills for example) also offer USA credits and are tailored for first-year students, making them a great choice to ease into your university life.

Lastly, don't underestimate the power of RateMyProfessors.com –- it's often a good source of advice about class difficulty and professor quality. Just remember that every student's experience is different and use it with a grain of salt.

Good luck with your course scheduling, and don't hesitate to reach out with other questions!

3 months ago

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