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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Any suggestions for easy classes at Trent University?

Hello everyone, I'm a soon-to-be freshman at Trent University and I'm starting to freak out a bit about class selection. Any guidance on selecting relatively easier courses?

3 months ago

There's definitely no need to panic! Class difficulty can vary and often depends on individual student interests and strengths. However, it is generally accepted that courses you enjoy or have a natural inclination towards tend to be "easier."

That said, some students often mention courses like SOCI 1001H – Introduction to Sociology, ENGL 1000Y – Discovering Literature, and PSYC 1020H – Introduction to Psychology as being manageable and interesting.

Keep in mind, these courses could be a bit denser in terms of reading and class discussions, but if you're interested in the content, it can feel less daunting.

Another strategy could be to look at electives outside your major that might appeal to your specific skills. If you have a knack for languages, consider a beginner language course. If you're into arts, several introductory art or art history courses might be appealing.

In any case, while it's valid to be nervous as a freshman, try not to stress too much. University is as much about learning and growth as it is about academics. You'll figure out what works best for you once you've settled into the environment. Good luck!

3 months ago

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