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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
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Looking for the Easiest Degree at the University of Maryland?

I've been looking into the University of Maryland as an option for college, but I'm a bit stressed about the whole 'picking a major' thing. I was wondering if any of you could shed light on what the easiest degree to pursue at UMD is. Obviously, 'easy' is subjective, but I'd like to know what you guys think, especially if you're a current student there or a recent graduate. Thanks!

3 months ago

When it comes to choosing a major and the "easiest" degree, it's really more about what aligns best with your own interests, skills, and career aspirations. What might be easy for one person may not be for another, because we all bring unique strengths and passions to the table. Hence, there aren't definitive 'easy' or 'hard' classifications for degrees.

That said, some students find that fields like Communication, English, Sociology, or other humanities and liberal arts majors tend to have more flexible schedules and fewer rigid prerequisites than disciplines like Engineering, Science, or Business. However, even "easy" sounding majors can be challenging and highly rewarding, demanding skills in critical thinking, research, and presentation.

I wouldn't necessarily recommend choosing your major based solely on its perceived difficulty. Instead, think about what you're genuinely interested in, what you're good at, and what kind of career you envision for yourself. It might also be beneficial to discuss this with an academic advisor or counselor to help you navigate this process.

If you're still in the process of figuring out your passion, it might be worthwhile to explore the University of Maryland's General Studies program. This would allow you to take a wide array of courses until you find a field that you are genuinely excited about and wish to pursue further.

In the end, your university experience will not solely depend on your major. Engaging with extracurriculars, internships, mentorships, and campus life all play a significant part in shaping your college experience and future opportunities.

3 months ago

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