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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Need Help Choosing the Easiest Degree in University

I'm a junior right now and starting to consider my options for college. I know it's going to be more challenging than high school and I'm trying to set myself up for success. I'd love some suggestions on what's the easiest degree to get in university. Please share your experiences!

3 months ago

Hmm, such an interesting question. But the response may not be as simple as you'd think. What's considered 'easy' might vary greatly from person to person based on their individual strengths, interests, and aptitudes. For example, for someone who enjoys and excels at art, an art major may seem relatively easy for them, while it might be challenging for someone else.

However, generally, majors in social sciences or humanities like communications, education, and some types of business tend to be considered less demanding in terms of workload or challenging coursework, especially when compared to majors such as engineering or physics.

But here's the important part: it's crucial to select a major not just based on its perceived difficulty, but on your long-term career goals, interests, and passion. A major that aligns with these can lead to more satisfaction and success both in college and in your future career. Remember, it's more about the investment in your future than just getting an 'easy' degree. While it's good to anticipate the challenges of college, remember that these challenges also lead to growth and learning in the long run!

3 months ago

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