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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Reflection on Universities in the US with Lower Admissions Requirements

Hi there! So I'm trying to plan out my future and I'm curious, are there easy-to-get-into universities in the US that are still respectable? My grades are average, not amazing, but I still hope to receive a solid education.

3 months ago

Certainly, universities' admission criteria vary widely across the board. Students with 'average' grades can still fit into many excellent and reputable universities. Let's focus more on match and fit rather than prestige. The most important thing is to find a university where you feel you can thrive, both academically and personally.

Some state universities offer solid programs and have a broader range of accepted GPA and test scores. Schools like Arizona State University, and the University of Iowa come to mind. Apart from offering a variety of strong academic programs, these schools also have vibrant student communities and numerous extracurricular opportunities.

On the private side, you might want to look into universities like Pace University in New York or DePaul University in Chicago. These schools offer the added benefit of being located in major cities, providing ample possibilities for internships and jobs.

Don't forget the potential of smaller liberal arts colleges, such as St. Lawrence University in New York or Knox College in Illinois. At these institutions, you'll have smaller class sizes and closer relationships with your professors, which can make for a strong educational experience.

As you research, I recommend looking at the academic programs that interest you, the campus culture, the location, and the resources the institution provides for students. Take these into consideration along with admission statistics to find a good fit for you.

As always, make sure to visit the schools if possible, reach out to admissions with any questions, and utilize online resources to get as much information as you can about potential fit. College is a significant investment, and it's worth taking the time to find a school that aligns with your goals and preferences.

3 months ago

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