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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Is DeVry University Easier Than Other Colleges?

Hi! I've been hearing a lot of stuff about DeVry University and I'm kind of curious. Is it considered an easier college than others? Does anyone have any insight into the academic rigor there compared to other universities? Trying to weigh up my options here.

a month ago

The level of rigor at DeVry University, as with any university, will largely depend on the program. DeVry offers numerous programs across various fields ranging from business management to computer sciences. Generally speaking, DeVry is known for its technical and vocational programs which are designed to prepare students for specific career paths.

In terms of comparison, a direct contrast with traditional, broad-spectrum universities may not be entirely accurate due to the different focuses. Traditional colleges often provide a well-rounded academic experience, emphasizing a broad range of subjects, critical thinking, and extensive theoretical knowledge alongside the major of study.

On the other hand, vocational and technical schools like DeVry usually have curriculum heavily tilted towards job-related skills. This means that while the curriculum might come across as 'easier' because it's focused and directly applied, it nonetheless requires dedication and hard work from the students to succeed.

One thing to note about DeVry University is that it is a for-profit institution. As such, it has faced criticism over the years regarding high tuition and aggressive recruitment techniques, with some critics questioning the quality of education provided.

When considering and comparing colleges, it's essential to consider many factors beyond academic rigor, including campus culture, learning environment, student support, financial aid, and career services. It would be best if you consider your career goals, the fields you're interested in, and the type of learning environment that motivates you before making a decision. Ultimately, the 'difficulty' of a college is subjective and can depend largely on a student's individual strengths, interests, and ambitions.

a month ago

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