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Easy college cooking - any recipe suggestions?

I've just started thinking about my meals once I get to college. With just basic cooking skills, does anyone have easy and healthy recipe suggestions for a college newbie? Are there any go-to meals that are both easy and satisfying to make while on campus?

3 months ago

Absolutely! It's important to have a few simple and nutritious meals under your belt; it saves you money and ensures you're eating well despite a busy schedule. Here are a few suggestions:

1. Avocado Toast: All you need is some ripe avocados, bread and, optionally, add-ons like tomatoes, slices of hard-boiled egg, or lemon juice. Mash up the avocado, spread it toast, top as you like, and voila! It's a balanced breakfast or a great snack.

2. Veggie stir-fry: Grab a bag of frozen vegetables - they're just as nutritious as fresh and are often more cost-efficient. Sauté them in a large pan or wok with a little oil, soy sauce, and garlic. If you want additional protein, add some pre-cooked chicken or tofu. Serve over instant rice for a complete meal.

3. Omelettes: They're easy to make and a great source of protein. You can add whatever you have in your fridge: cheese, spinach, bell peppers, tomatoes, etc. Plus, they're quick to cook.

4. Pasta: Whole grain pasta is your best for a nutritious meal. You can top it with a simple homemade sauce just made of crushed tomatoes, garlic, and herbs. For extra protein, you could add some ground turkey or tofu.

5. Greek Yogurt Parfait: Layer Greek yogurt with some granola and frozen berries in a cup or bowl. It's full of protein and will keep you full all morning.

Remember, meals don't have to be complex to be tasty and nutritious. Keep some basic ingredients on hand and you'll always have options. Happy cooking!

3 months ago

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