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Inclusion of LGBT+ Individuals in Military Branches?

Hey everyone! I'm a junior in high school and part of the LGBT+ community. I'm seriously considering military service after graduation. Can anyone share experiences or insights related to being openly LGBT+ in the various branches of the U.S. military? Is there a specific branch known for being more supportive or inclusive?

3 months ago

While I don't have personal experience, I can share that overall, all branches of the U.S. military have moved towards embracement and acceptance of LGBT+ service members. This is evident following the repeal of the "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy in 2011 and clarification on the policy regarding transgender individuals serving in the military in 2021.

However, the inclusivity might vary across branches, units, and location due to individual attitudes and command climates. Openly LGBT+ personnel have reported both positive and negative experiences, much like any workplace. The most important aspect is the command climate, which is the overall attitude within the unit which can be affected by leadership and peers.

Moreover, there are many support groups and resources both within and outside the military for LGBT+ service members. For instance, the SPARTA Pride organization is made up of LGBT+ individuals currently serving in the military and could be a great resource for personal experiences and advice.

As per the various branches, it's been reported that the Navy and Air Force often have reputations for being the most inclusive, but much of this is anecdotal and can vary dramatically based on your specific job in the military and where you're stationed.

My advice would be to make your decision based on which branch and job you're most interested in and where you think you can make a difference. There are supportive and accepting individuals in all branches of the military, and there are organizations and protections in place to ensure that you are able to serve openly and without discrimination.

3 months ago

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