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Most Difficult Finals at Boston University?

Hey, I'm considering Boston University for my undergrad. I heard that final exams can be tough, so which ones would you say are the most challenging?

3 months ago

Ah, the question of difficult finals at Boston University. This can depend largely on your major and individual strengths. However, some commonly mentioned tough finals span several departments.

In the sciences, Organic Chemistry and Physics often come up as challenging due to the quantity and complexity of material that's covered.

In the math department, Calculus II is notorious for its tough final, as it covers integral calculus which many students find more challenging than the material in Calculus I.

In the School of Engineering, the final exam for Logic Design can be tricky due to its heavy reliance on problem-solving and application of knowledge.

In the humanities, Introduction to Philosophy seems to consistently surprise students with a challenging final, as it requires deep understanding and analysis of complex philosophical arguments.

Finally, anyone who has taken Computer Science can tell you that the final for this class is quite rigorous.

That said, it's essential to remember that the level of difficulty of a final exam can depend largely on your personal strengths and study habits. Some students might find a final "difficult" while others find the same exam relatively manageable. Therefore, don't let the perceived difficulty of a class or its final discourage you from taking a course that interests you or aligns with your career goals. Good luck with your studies, and I hope you find the best fit for you at Boston University!

3 months ago

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