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Most Progressive Military Branch?

Hello folks, here's a question for you - I'm leaning towards enlisting after high school, but which branch is considered the most progressive? I'm talking about things like inclusivity, forward-thinking policies, advancement opportunities, you name it. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

a month ago

While all branches of the U.S. military are making strides towards becoming more progressive and inclusive, it's vital to understand that experiences can vary widely depending on the specific job, base, or unit you end up in. However, given statements, laws, and initiatives, it can be useful to focus on two key branches: The U.S. Navy and the U.S. Air Force.

The U.S. Navy has a long history of being forward-thinking. It was one of the first branches to approve women serving on submarines and deploying with combat units. It has made noteworthy progress for LGBTQ+ rights, with initiatives to end the "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy and to open up service to transgender individuals. They also have initiatives like the Sailor 2025 program, designed to modernize policies, training, career management, and more, to both attract and retain top talent in a changing society.

Similarly, the U.S. Air Force has been recognized for its progressiveness. They have a strong focus on education and technology, with programs like the Community College of the Air Force, which offers degree opportunities for those enlisted. The Air Force frequently emphasizes diversity and equal opportunity, and is among the most proactive branches in terms of addressing mental health, with robust mental health programs for their servicemembers.

Nonetheless, your experience can be influenced by many individual factors - your role, your commanders, your colleagues, and so on. Investigating the culture and preferred values of each branch - and perhaps reaching out to current or former service members for their first-hand account - may give you a deeper understanding of which military branch aligns most with your values and aspirations. Make sure also to consider the role you wish to take on in the service, as branches are known for different specialties.

a month ago

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