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College Entrance Exams - Which ones hit hard?

Sup y'all, I've been hearing that some college entrance exams can be a real nightmare to prepare for. Can anyone shed some light on this? Are there specific exams that are notoriously difficult and why?

3 months ago

Hello there! Generally, the two main standardized tests students take for college admissions are the SAT and ACT. Between these two, it's hard to say one is universally more difficult than the other, as that depends on a student's personal strengths. However, there are a few common conceptions about each.

SAT: This test is typically seen as challenging because of its high focus on reasoning and problem-solving skills. The SAT is heavy on math and reading comprehension, requiring students to solve complex problems and understand dense, difficult-to-read passages. However, as of 2024, the SAT has become digital and a bit shorter, so its format has become closer to that of the ACT.

ACT: The ACT is often deemed hard because it's more fast-paced, meaning you have less time to answer each question compared to the SAT. It also includes a science section, which doesn't require specific scientific knowledge, but tests your ability to interpret data and experiments. So if you're not as confident in these areas, the ACT could be more difficult than the SAT.

It's really about what suits your learning style and strengths better. Some students do really well with the SAT's critical thinking emphasis, while others prefer the ACT's straightforward, knowledge-based questions.

Another challenging test in the college admission process can be the TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language), required for international students who aren't native English speakers. This test measures English language proficiency and the ability to understand North-American English. It can be tough because it uses academic-level language and tests knowledge of English in a university setting.

Remember, these tests do require preparation, but there are abundant resources to help you prepare, such as prep books, online courses, and practice tests. Starting early and pacing yourself can help make the prep process less daunting. Good luck!

3 months ago

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