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What's the most intensely hard university program globally?

Could anyone highlight some of the most notoriously tough university programs from around the world? I've heard some programs are particularly grueling but I'm not sure what they are. Any info would be great!

3 months ago

There are quite a few university programs around the world known for their rigor. Keep in mind that the "hardness" of a program can be influenced by various factors like the volume of coursework, complexity of subject matter, and competitiveness of fellow students. However, these are often perceived as prestigious because of their high standards.

1. Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS) in the UK: Medical programs in general are notoriously difficult due to the sheer volume of information to learn and the emotional demands of clinical work. The MBBS program, especially at institutions such as University of Oxford or University of Cambridge, is reputed to be particularly challenging.

2. The Special Class for the Gifted Young (SCGY) at University of Science and Technology of China (USTC): This program takes in some of the brightest young minds in China at an age when most kids are in high school, challenges them with university-based curriculum, and then sets them on a path to contribute to the nation's scientific and technological advancement.

3. Bachelor of Science in Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT): This program is incredibly rigor due to the complexity of the subject matter, the need for precision, and often challenging projects.

4. Bachelor of Laws (LLB) in Australia: Law degrees are known for their heavy workload and challenging material, but the LLB programs in renowned institutions like the University of Melbourne and the University of Sydney are particularly so.

5. Physics or Mathematics degree at Caltech: Caltech is known globally for its rigorous STEM programs. The undergraduate physics and mathematics programs are widely accepted as some of the most challenging in the world.

Remember that what makes a program tough will differ greatly for each student and depends on your learning style, personal strengths, and passion for the subject matter. Your dedication and enthusiasm for the field can often make a big difference in your ability to handle the workload.

3 months ago

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