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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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What's the hardest college to get into in Texas?

Hey there! I'm currently a junior in high school and hoping to apply to schools in Texas. I'd like to challenge myself, so I need some insight on which one is the hardest to get accepted into?

3 months ago

The University of Texas at Austin (UT Austin) is often recognized as the most selective university in Texas. For the 2024-2025 application cycle, its acceptance rate was below 30%, making it highly competitive.

The competitiveness does vary depending on the major you're applying to. For example, the Cockrell School of Engineering and the McCombs School of Business are known to be especially challenging to enter due to a high volume of applicants and the strength of the applicant pool.

It's important to align your aspirations with your academic profile to properly gauge your chances of admission. The middle 50% of admitted students in recent classes at UT Austin have had high school GPAs in the A range, and most also took AP or IB courses in high school. Do remember that UT Austin is no longer test-optional and requires standardized test scores for the 2024-2025 application cycle.

Challenging yourself is valuable and commendable, but make sure you also consider factors such as your academic and career interests, campus culture, and overall fit when deciding where to apply. Don't prioritize selectivity above your overall fulfillment and success in the university environment. A balanced college list should include reach, match, and safety schools. Best of luck on your college journey!

3 months ago

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