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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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What's the toughest university to get into?

When we say 'toughest to enter,' what university comes into mind? I mean, I'm sure it changes annually and is different for each field of study, but is there a particular university constantly towards the top of the list? Also, aside from grades, what are they looking for in a student applying? It's nice to know the standards these universities hold for their potential students.

3 months ago

The 'toughest' university to get into in terms of acceptance rate is often Stanford University or Harvard University, consistently having admission rates of around 5%. This can change slightly from year to year, but these schools are typically among the most selective. Remember, however, that selectivity doesn't necessarily indicate the 'best' university, as what's best for one student might not be for another.

Apart from grades, these highly selective schools look for students who not only excel in their academic pursuits but also show dedication in their extracurricular activities. They prefer students who exhibit a "spike," or a highly developed specialty, rather than simply being well-rounded - they are looking for students who can make a significant impact in their field.

Moreover, they are also looking for students who can contribute uniquely to the university's community. This might be through leadership roles, community service, innovative projects, or unique experiences that are showcased in the application.

Lastly, these universities consider the applicant's character, which is often revealed through the essays and recommendation letters. They are interested in students who exhibit resilience, kindness, and curiosity, among other qualities. So, while grades and test scores are crucial, they are by no means the sole deciding factors. These universities view applications holistically, meaning every component of your application matters.

3 months ago

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