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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Competitive college admissions

Hello folks, I'm trying to put together my college list and need a bit of help. Which universities are considered the most competitive to get into in terms of acceptance rates and applicant pool strength?

3 months ago

Answer: Sure thing, I'd be happy to help you out! In the United States, the most competitive institutions in terms of acceptance rates and the strength of the applicant pool are typically part of the Ivy League, Stanford, MIT, University of Chicago, and Caltech. These institutions tend to have acceptance rates well below 10%, and they draw incredibly accomplished applicants from around the globe.

The Ivy League schools include Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Columbia, Brown, Dartmouth, Penn, and Cornell. These institutions are renowned for their rigorous academic programs and prestigious faculty. However, they vary in terms of their areas of focus, campus cultures, location, and undergraduate population size.

Stanford and MIT are leading institutions particularly known for their strengths in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math). The University of Chicago stands out for its strengths in economics and social sciences, while Caltech is another top-notch scientific research university.

It’s good to remember, though, that although these universities are among the most competitive, the best university for you is one that aligns with your individual strengths, interests, and goals. You should also consider factors like financial aid, location, size, culture, and availability of majors that interest you while finalizing your college list, not just competitiveness and prestige.

3 months ago

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