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Difficult US universities

I've always had a knack for challenges and I'm currently looking for universities that are notorious for their rigorous academics in the US. Could I get some recommendations of 'hard' US universities to apply to?

3 months ago

There are certainly a number of universities in the US renowned for their academic rigor. Here are a few that consistently top lists in that regard:

1. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT): Famous for its STEM programs, MIT has a reputation for a challenging workload and high expectations.

2. California Institute of Technology (Caltech): Much like MIT, Caltech presents a particularly heavy workload, especially in hard sciences and engineering.

3. University of Chicago: Known for its demanding Core Curriculum, UChicago emphasizes analytical and writing skills among its students.

4. Princeton University: With a strong focus on undergraduate studies, Princeton pushes its students to excel through a rigorous curriculum. Its senior thesis requirement is known to be challenging.

5. Columbia University: Columbia's Core Curriculum includes a series of mandatory courses to encourage critical thinking and broaden students' knowledge.

6. Harvey Mudd College: Part of the Claremont Colleges, Harvey Mudd is an engineering school known for its difficulty, especially in the STEM fields.

Remember, though, applying to schools with a reputation for being academically challenging also means being well-prepared in terms of your academic prowess. High GPAs, strong SAT/ACT scores, and outstanding letters of recommendation are typically required at these schools.

Finally, while these schools are indeed academically challenging, they also offer extensive support to their students. So while you'll be pushed academically, you'll also have access to resources to help you manage.

3 months ago

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