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What are the hardest college programs to get into?

As I'm starting to look at colleges, I'm curious about which programs are considered the most competitive. I fancy a challenge, so I'd love to hear your thoughts or experiences with highly selective programs.

3 months ago

There are many highly competitive programs across the U.S., but here are a few worth mentioning due to their selectivity and prestige:

1. Computer Science at Stanford, MIT, and UC Berkeley: Known for their rigorous academic programs and connections to the technology industry, these programs are extremely difficult to get into. Only a small percentage get accepted every year, and they generally have very high academic qualifications.

2. Wharton School undergraduate program at the University of Pennsylvania: This is often considered the top undergraduate business program in the country, resulting in an extremely competitive application process.

3. Harvard's program in Economics: Not only is Harvard itself notoriously selective, but their Economics department is one of the top-ranked in the world, attracting legions of high-achieving applicants.

4. Programs in Engineering at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Stanford University, and University of California, Berkeley: These schools are known for being on the cutting-edge of innovation in engineering, and boast strong links to industry and world-class faculty.

5. Princeton's program in Mathematics: This program boasts a roster of highly acclaimed faculty members and is well-regarded for its challenging curriculum.

Keep in mind that gaining admission to these programs generally requires excellent academic performance, a strong application, including essays and letters of recommendation, as well as evidence of a genuine commitment to the field, often demonstrated through relevant extracurricular activities or work experience. These are certainly not the only challenging programs out there, but they are consistently ranked as some of the hardest to get into due to the exceptional caliber of applicants each year.

3 months ago

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