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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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What academic strengths define Brown University?

Brown University is obviously on a lot of people's radar for various reasons, but what in terms of academics makes it really shine? Looking for insights beyond the open curriculum—like are there any departments or research opportunities that are particularly strong? Asking for a friend... and myself.

a year ago

Absolutely! Beyond the Open Curriculum, Brown University is renowned for its strong departments in a multitude of areas. For example, their Applied Mathematics program is one of the best in the country and offers students opportunities to engage in cutting-edge research. Their English department is also notable, with a distinguished faculty and a wide array of courses that reflect diverse interests.

Additionally, Brown's affiliation with the Warren Alpert Medical School provides excellent research opportunities for undergraduates interested in health and medicine. Moreover, the school's entrepreneurial spirit is fostered through resources like the Nelson Center for Entrepreneurship.

In the realm of social sciences, the Watson Institute for International and Public Affairs offers incredible chances for student engagement with pressing global issues. Any student passionate about delving deep into their academic interests can find a place to shine at Brown.

a year ago

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