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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Which is considered the 'nerdiest' branch of the military?

Hi friends, odd question - but as someone who loves tech and science, I've heard some branches are more 'nerdy' than others. Which one is generally considered to face this stereotype?

3 months ago

The United States Air Force and the Space Force are often seen as the more "nerdy" branches due to their significant use of technology and emphasis on space, science, and aviation subjects. The Space Force, in particular, focuses on space warfare and satellite protection, which requires a sophisticated understanding of technology. However, all branches have roles that involve technology to different extents, and it would be wise to consider where your specific interests might be most relevant. Ultimately, the "nerdiest" role will largely depend upon the specific job within the branch, rather than the branch itself.

3 months ago

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