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What is the new cyber branch in the military?

Hi, I've been hearing about a new cyber branch in the military and I'm curious to know more about it. What exactly does the cyber branch focus on and what kind of qualifications might they be looking for in recruits?

3 months ago

The branch you're referring to is probably the United States Cyber Command (USCYBERCOM). It isn't exactly new, as it was established back in 2009, but its focus and prominence have been growing in recent years.

USCYBERCOM is a branch of the Department of Defense that is primarily concerned with cyberspace operations. It's tasked with ensuring US and allied freedom of action in cyberspace, while denying the same to the nation's adversaries. The command leads day-to-day defense and protection of the Department of Defense's information networks. It also conducts full spectrum military cyberspace operations when directed, to ensure US and allied freedom of action in cyberspace and denial of the same to adversaries.

Qualifications for USCYBERCOM can vary depending on the role. It's safe to say that recruits would need to demonstrate a strong grounding in computer science, information technology, cybersecurity, or related fields. In addition, they probably require an understanding of cyber warfare tactics and strategies, the ability to analyze complex cyber threats, and exceptional problem-solving skills.

Much like other branches of the military, physical fitness, mental toughness, and a willingness to serve are also crucial. It's important to note that while this is general advice, specific qualifications would depend on the exact role or position that one is pursuing within USCYBERCOM. Enlisting or becoming an officer in the military often involves several other steps, like passing physical exams, completion of basic training, and possibly further specialized education. It could be useful to reach out to a military recruiter for more specific guidance based on your interests and goals.

3 months ago

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