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What's the optimal IQ for each U.S. military branch?

Hey guys, I've been thinking about joining the military after high school. I've heard that different branches might have different IQ preferences. Is there a recorded 'optimal' IQ in order to excel in each branch?

3 months ago

It's a common misconception that the various branches of the U.S. military have different IQ requirements or preferences. In reality, they do not have a specific 'optimal' IQ requirement for enlistment.

However, all recruits are required to take the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) test. This exam is less about measuring overall intelligence and more about assessing whether a recruit has the necessary skills and abilities for various military occupations. It focuses on areas like mathematics, science, verbal and reading comprehension, and technical skills. While, you're not required to have a specific IQ, a higher ASVAB score opens up more opportunities for specialized roles and training.

For the record, all branches of the military are interested in recruits who demonstrate a range of valuable skills and attributes, including physical fitness, discipline, adaptability, teamwork and leadership potential. These factors, in combination with your ASVAB score, will help determine your eligibility and the type of positions you might fit into.

When considering your options, it would be wise to look beyond just IQ or ASVAB scores. Consider your long-term goals, interests, and personal strengths, as well. Additionally, it's often beneficial to speak directly with recruitment officers for each branch or do some research online. You can find a lot of detailed information on the various roles, responsibilities, and requirements within each branch that will help you make an informed decision.

3 months ago

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