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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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What academic areas is Bucknell University known to excel in?

Junior year is proving to be a bit overwhelming with the college search added to the mix. Can anyone tell me what Bucknell University is particularly known for in terms of academic programs or majors?

a year ago

I can certainly appreciate that feeling of being overwhelmed during your junior year—it's a common sentiment, but rest assured you’re making great progress just by seeking out information. Bucknell University has a reputation for strong programs in several areas, particularly within their College of Engineering. Their engineering programs are often ranked among the top for undergraduate-focused institutions.

Beyond engineering, Bucknell's College of Arts & Sciences and the Freeman College of Management also offer robust programs. For students interested in the liberal arts, their strengths in humanities and social sciences are quite notable. An example that stands out is their animal behavior program, which provides undergraduates with unique research and field opportunities, which are often reserved for grad students at other institutions.

My suggestion would be to connect with admissions or academic departments for a more in-depth exploration of programs specific to your interests. Talking to current students can also give you firsthand insight into the academic experiences Bucknell offers. Keep up the proactive approach!

a year ago

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