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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Which military branch do soldiers belong to?

I've always been a bit confused about the different terms used for members of various military branches. For example, are 'soldiers' specific to the Army, or can they be in other branches as well?

3 months ago

The term 'soldier' is specifically used to refer to individuals who are members of the Army. The other branches of the United States military have their own unique terms for their service members. For instance, individuals who serve in the Navy are referred to as 'sailors,' those in the Air Force are 'airmen,' and members of the Marine Corps are called 'Marines'. Lastly, we have 'coast guardsmen' for the Coast Guard and 'guardians' are the term for members of the Space Force, the newest branch. It's important to use the correct terms, as each branch has its unique traditions and culture.

3 months ago

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