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How best to show appreciation for all military branches?

Hi folks, I'd like to do some kind of project that showcases my respect and appreciation for all branches of the military. I think it could be a good way to demonstrate my interest in service - either for a college app or as part of my considerations for enlisting. What do you think would be an effective and respectful way to express my support for all branches, celebrating their unique roles and functions, especially the submarine military branch? Thanks for your ideas!

3 months ago

One of the ways you could express your admiration and support for the military is to undertake a research project and present it in a public medium. Each branch of the military - the Army, Marines, Navy, Air Force, Coast Guard, and Space Force - houses a rich history, unique responsibilities, and an individual culture. A thorough research project into these branches could yield impressive and informative results, and sharing that research could help others understand and appreciate the military as well.

You have mentioned a particular interest in the role of submarines. Submarines belong to the Navy, and their strategic significance is massive, from intelligence gathering to providing lethal strength. They are fascinating vessels that utilize cutting-edge technology. Focusing on this area might provide an intriguing angle for your project.

Once the research is finished, you could set up a blog or a vlog to present your findings. A series of posts or videos detailing the history, function, and culture of each branch, closing off with a special highlight on the submarine service, could be a fairly engaging project.

Another option to signify your support could be through community service. For instance, you could organize, or participate in, drives to send letters or care packages to deployed service members. Engaging your school or local community could create a more significant impact and display an aptitude for leadership and organization.

Engaging with veterans in your community might also be valuable. Inviting them to speak at your school or arranging interviews for your project could lend a personal touch to your research. It's essential to approach this respectfully and thoughtfully, remembering that some might not be comfortable sharing their experiences.

Lastly, you might also consider reaching out to local recruiting offices. They might be able to provide additional insights or resources and can likely point you to appropriate ways to demonstrate your support.

Good luck! This sounds like a wonderful project. Your appreciation for the military's service and your enthusiasm about possibly enlisting in the future is evident. This project not only demonstrates commitment but also initiative and intellectual curiosity - qualities that both colleges and the military value.

3 months ago

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