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Do colleges consider PSAT 10 scores?

Hey everyone, does anyone have the scoop on whether colleges look at PSAT 10 scores, or is it purely for practice and they only care about the PSAT/NMSQT?

a year ago

Hello there! Great question about the PSAT 10. Colleges do not consider PSAT 10 scores in their admissions process. The PSAT 10 is primarily a practice test to help prepare students for the PSAT/NMSQT and the SAT—the point is for you to understand for yourself where you stand and where you can improve before the actual PSAT/NMSQT, which can qualify you for National Merit Scholarships, and further prepare you for the SAT. It's also worth noting that colleges actually don't see your junior year PSAT score either. If you're named a National Merit Semifinalist, that can be a nice gold star on your application, but the only standardized test score directly considered is your SAT score, or ACT score if you end up taking that test.

By all means, take the PSAT 10 seriously as practice, but don't worry about it impacting your college applications. Focus on doing your best when it comes time to take the PSAT, for the sake of National Merit benefits, and the SAT. Good luck with your preparations!

a year ago

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