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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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How does Brandeis stand out academically among other universities?

Hey everyone! As I'm narrowing down my college list, I'm pretty interested in Brandeis University because of its academic reputation. Could anyone share some insights or specific programs that make Brandeis unique or particularly strong? Thanks in advance!

a year ago

Hi there! I'd be happy to share what makes Brandeis University shine academically. One of Brandeis' standout features is its strong emphasis on research, especially for undergraduates. Students often engage in research projects alongside faculty members as early as their first year, something quite rare for undergraduates at other institutions that cater their research programs to grad students.

Another highlight is Brandeis' interdisciplinary approach to education. For example, their unique programs like the Health: Science, Society, and Policy (HSSP) major intertwine various disciplines, preparing students with a comprehensive understanding of healthcare beyond just the science. Additionally, the university is widely recognized for its Justice Brandeis Semester programs, which offer immersive, experiential learning opportunities in a variety of fields.

Good luck with your college search!

a year ago

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