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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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What's unique about Transylvania University?

Juniors! Who's got the scoop on Transylvania University? I'm wondering what they're famous for – any cool programs or aspects that make them unique?

a year ago

Hey there! I'd be delighted to share what I know about Transylvania University. It's a small liberal arts college located in Lexington, Kentucky, and one of its most distinctive features is its focus on the liberal arts, providing a well-rounded education. Transylvania offers a program called 'May Term,' where students can take intensive courses, often creatively tailored or travel for a one-of-a-kind educational experience – like studying Shakespeare while actually visiting England.

Another unique aspect is their 'First-Year Experience' which helps students transition into college life through special courses and seminars. Plus, if you're into community service, Transy places a strong emphasis on that, with plenty of opportunities for students to get involved.

A neat tidbit – they claim to be the first university in Kentucky, and they have some beautiful historic buildings to show for it! If these features aren't cool enough, their Halloween celebration is a charming nod to their vampire-associated name.

Just a heads-up, while these programs are excellent, always consider if the overall environment is the best fit for you. Visiting the campus or talking to current students could give you great insight! Hope this helps!

a year ago

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