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SAT: 720 math
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Easiest NYU College to Get Into?

Hey y’all, so it’s been a dream of mine to go to New York University, but I also know it’s kind of a reach school for me. Do you know which specific NYU colleges are easier to get into? So I can tailor my application accordingly.

3 months ago

Each school within NYU has different acceptance rates and academic expectations, so the concept of "easiest" to get into can be relative. However, it's important to remember that you should ultimately apply to the college that best aligns with your academic interests and career goals.

That being said, historically, NYU's School of Professional Studies and the Silver School of Social Work have been considered slightly less competitive among NYU's degree-granting campuses. On the other hand, extremely popular and competitive schools within NYU include Stern School of Business and Tisch School of the Arts due to their high-profile programs.

You might also find that some programs within a certain college are more competitive than others. For instance, within Tisch, the Dramatic Writing and Film & Television programs are especially selective.

When tailoring your application, it's not so much about applying to the 'easiest' college, but rather demonstrating a clear fit with your chosen college and emphasizing how your skills, experiences, and career aspirations align with the college's offerings and values. NYU wants to see applicants who are enthusiastic about and fit well with their specific program of interest.

Lastly, don't forget that NYU, like many colleges, employs a holistic review process. This means they're interested not only in your academics but also in your extracurricular activities, personal essays, and letters of recommendation, among other factors. So, make sure you have a strong application overall to increase your chances.

3 months ago

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