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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Easiest College for Basketball Scholarship?

Hey everyone, I'm a rising junior working on planning my post-high school path. I've been playing basketball for my school for quite some time now and was wondering, is there an 'easiest' college to get a basketball scholarship at? Any help would be appreciated!

3 months ago

While it's not accurate to label any college as the "easiest" for obtaining a basketball scholarship, there are certainly different levels of competition across NCAA divisions and schools. Here's some key information to know:

1. Division III schools do not offer athletic scholarships but do offer academic and need-based financial aid.

2. Division II schools, on the other hand, do offer athletic scholarships and the competition level is generally less intense than Division I schools. You might find more opportunities here especially if you're a strong player but not quite at the highly competitive Division I level.

3. NAIA schools and Junior/Community Colleges can also be good options. They tend to have a different atmosphere and may also provide athletic scholarships, although the scales may not be as large as Division I schools.

Remember, all colleges, regardless of division, are looking for students who will excel academically as well as athletically, so focusing on your grades and test scores is also vital to give you options.

Lastly, speak with your current basketball coach for their insight on your skills and where they think you could realistically compete at the collegiate level. They might have connections with college coaches or know of some programs that could be a good fit for your skills and goals.

3 months ago

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