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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Finding the Easiest Entry Point at Emory University?

Hi everyone. I'm fairly committed to attending Emory University but with all the competition, I'm pretty nervous. Does anyone know which colleges within Emory are typically easier to get into? Any assistance would be super!

3 months ago

The idea of certain colleges within a university being 'easier' to get into than others can be a bit misleading. In general, your best chance at admission is to apply for the program that best aligns with your strengths, interests, and career goals.

If we focus on Emory University specifically, there are two undergraduate colleges: Emory College of Arts and Sciences and Oxford College. The former is a traditional 4-year undergraduate college located in Atlanta, while the latter is a smaller, liberal arts-focused 2-year college located on Emory's original campus about 38 miles east of Atlanta. After finishing their studies at Oxford College, students continue their junior and senior years at the Emory College in Atlanta.

While you might hear that Oxford College is 'easier' to get into, that's not really the whole story. Oxford College typically has higher acceptance rates compared to Emory College, but that's often because it tends to attract a self-selecting group of applicants who prefer smaller class sizes and a liberal arts focus. It's certainly not a 'backdoor' into Emory University, nor should it be treated as such.

To maximize your chances of acceptance at Emory, focus on crafting a well-rounded application that showcases your academic strengths, commitment to extracurricular activities, and fit for the campus culture. If you're attracted to the liberal arts environment with closer faculty interaction, then Oxford College may be a great fit for you. If a more traditional college environment in a bustling city seems more appealing, then applying to Emory College of Arts and Sciences would be your best shot.

Lastly, remember that even though these colleges are separate entities, they are interconnected. If you were to be accepted into Oxford College, upon completion of two years there, you'll continue the rest of your education in Emory College of Arts and Sciences. Making your choice based on your preference for the educational environment rather than perceived acceptance difficulty might be the best strategy.

3 months ago

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