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University's Football Program Impact on Admissions

Hey, I'm a junior, and I'm trying to make a list of colleges I want to apply to. I'm a huge fan of college football and admittedly, the team's performance might sway my opinion. I'm not just into wins and losses; I'm interested in the grit and toughness of the players. So, just wondering, does anyone have information about colleges with the hardest hitting linebackers? I'd love to attend a school where I can cheer for an intense, hard-hitting team!

3 months ago

While it's appreciated that your love for college football is a factor in your college selection process, it's important to note that choosing a school should primarily be based on your academic fit and personal preferences outside of athletics. However, to respect your interest, here are some universities that traditionally have strong linebacking corps:

1. University of Alabama: Their linebackers have consistently been highly rated and many go on to have successful careers in the NFL.

2. Ohio State University: Same with Alabama, Ohio State's linebackers are known for their hard-hitting style and tenacity.

3. University of Southern California: The Trojans have a long history of having talented linebackers.

4. University of Michigan: Their football team is traditionally strong, and their linebackers are no exception.

5. Clemson University: Known for its football program, Clemson's linebackers are some of the toughest in the business.

Remember, these observations are based on historical performance, and individual player talent can vary from year to year. Furthermore, watching college football games and following up on the performances of college linebackers might give you a good sense of which schools have the level of intensity you're seeking in your college football experience. Enjoy your college search, and may you find the perfect fit both academically and athletically!

3 months ago

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