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Hardest Classes in Ohio's Colleges

I'm planning to apply to colleges in Ohio and wanted to get an idea about the colleges there that have a reputation for having the hardest classes. Insight from current students would be really helpful.

3 months ago

There's definitely a range of challenging classes across universities in Ohio, so it very much depends on your particular field of study. Here are a few examples:

- If you're interested in the sciences, Case Western Reserve University is widely recognized for their rigorous programs, particularly in the areas of Medicine and Engineering. Many students who've studied there mention the demanding workload and high standards. However, they also note that the challenge is balanced by an environment of collaboration and supportive faculty.

- The Ohio State University is another institution known for its rigorous academics, especially in programs like Business, Engineering, and some of the social sciences like Psychology or Political Science. From the student chatter I've heard, although the coursework can be intensive, the large student body and wealth of resources—like tutoring centers, study groups, and accessible professors—can make it manageable.

- For liberal arts courses, Oberlin College and Denison University both have a reputation for challenging, insightful, and demanding classes. Their small-size classes allow for rich discussions and strong student-teacher relationships.

- Lastly, at Miami University, students often talk about the challenging business and engineering programs. Even though the coursework can be demanding, students also speak highly of the resources provided by professors and the university to support learning.

Ultimately, remember that challenging classes often lead to greater learning and skill development. While it's good to be prepared, don't let the idea of hard classes deter you if you're passionate about a certain field of study!

3 months ago

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