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Query about tackling hardest college classes

Hey there, upcoming senior here feeling a little bit stressed about college academics. What would you guys say are some of the hardest classes you've taken in college? And how did you handle the workload for those? Any tips would be super appreciated!

3 months ago

Hey! One thing to remember is that the difficulty of a class can vary widely depending upon what your interests and strengths are. However, many students often find classes in fields new to them, like organic chemistry for students not previously exposed to it, or the theoretical aspects of computer science, quite challenging. Subjects that encompass a significant amount of abstract thinking and technical elements, like physics or advanced math, can also be tough.

For handling the workload of such demanding classes, here are some strategies that have worked for me:

1. Start assignments as soon as possible to provide ample time to handle difficulties that might arise along the way. It also gives you buffer time to seek help if needed.

2. Use office hours wisely. Professors and teaching assistants are there to help, so definitely take advantage of this resource. It's a great way to have your questions answered and gain a better understanding of the class material.

3. Consider study groups. These can be a great way to share knowledge and solve problems collaboratively. Just make sure you're actively contributing and not just passively listening.

4. Lastly, remember that it's okay to struggle. Sometimes the best learning comes from the classes that challenge us the most. And don't hesitate to seek out tutoring resources on campus - they exist to support you.

Good luck with your senior year and the exciting college journey ahead- you've got this! Keep in mind that everyone's college experience is unique, and you have the ability to shape yours in a way that best fits your academic and personal growth.

3 months ago

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