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SAT: 720 math
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What's the hardest discipline to get into at Chapman University?

Hi, I've heard the Chapman University has some really competitive programs. Any info on which ones are traditionally the toughest to get into? Putting together lists of colleges and want to know my chances.

3 months ago

Chapman University is known for several competitive majors across different disciplines. That being said, a couple of programs stand out for their selectivity.

First, the Dodge College of Film and Media Arts is one of the most high-profile departments at Chapman University. It's consistently ranked as one of the top film schools in the country and offers degrees in film production, television writing and production, digital arts, and more. Admission to this college is highly competitive due to the high inflow of applicants and the limited spots available, making it one of the most challenging disciplines.

Additionally, Chapman's Health Sciences programs, particularly the Physical Therapy and Physician Assistant Studies programs, are known for their rigor and selectivity. Admittance to these programs often requires outstanding academic credentials and significant preparation in relevant coursework.

However, it's important to remember that admission into any major or college depends on multiple factors. It's not just about the program's selectivity, but also about how well matched an applicant's academic profile, extracurriculars, and personal attributes are to the program's goals and objectives. So, when assessing your chances, make sure to consider all these factors.

Remember, you can always reach out directly to Chapman University's admissions office to get more specific information about their various programs and admission rates. They will have the most accurate and timely information about the selectivity of each program. That should give you a more precise idea of how challenging it might be to gain admission to your preferred program in the university.

3 months ago

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