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Which is the hardest college to get into in Texas?

Hey there, I'm from Texas and hoping to stay in-state for college. I'm quite ambitious and working really hard to get into the best school possible. So, I was wondering, which college is considered the hardest to get into here in Texas?

3 months ago

In terms of acceptance rates and the competitiveness of the applicant pool, the University of Texas at Austin (UT Austin) is often considered the most selective public university in Texas, especially for students applying from out-of-state or internationally.

However, if we're looking at private schools as well, Rice University in Houston is typically seen as the most selective in the state. The university is well-renowned for its rigorous academics and strong programs in a variety of fields such as Engineering, Business, Humanities, and the Natural Sciences. Rice's undergraduate acceptance rate is typically much lower than UT Austin's, indicating a higher level of selectivity.

It's important to remember that what makes a college "hard to get into" can depend on your individual profile and circumstances. For example, your chosen major might impact the level of competition. Certain programs and departments might have higher or lower acceptance rates than the overall university rate.

Keep in mind that both of these schools, like others, take into consideration a variety of factors beyond just grades and test scores, including your essays, letters of recommendation, and extracurricular activities. It's important to submit a well-rounded application showcasing your strengths, leadership qualities, and unique aspects of your personality or experiences.

3 months ago

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