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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Are Some Majors at Williams College Particularly Difficult?

I'm thinking of applying to Williams College and am trying to decide on a major. I'm curious if there are certain majors at Williams that are notorious for being extremely challenging? Please advise.

3 months ago

At Williams College, the perceived difficulty of a major can often come down to a combination of your interests, skills, and level of commitment to the subject matter. In general, Williams College has rigorous programs across all of its departments, reflecting its reputation as a top-tier liberal arts college.

However, it's important to emphasize that the perception of difficulty can vary substantially from student to student. The science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) fields such as Physics, Mathematics, and Chemistry can be challenging due to the rigor and specificity of coursework, as well as the heavy workload associated with lab and fieldwork.

Economics is another major at Williams that is recognized for its demanding coursework and high expectations. This rigor, though, is part of what has led Williams College to have one of the top undergraduate economics programs in the country.

If you are considering Williams College, I encourage you to choose a major based on your personal interest and passion rather than the perceived level of difficulty. A major you're genuinely interested in can make even tough coursework more manageable and rewarding.

3 months ago

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