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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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What university has the hardest acceptance rate?

Hi guys, I was just wondering, from your experience and what you've heard, which university has the most difficult acceptance rate? I'd just like to understand the level of competition out there. Thanks for the help in advance!

3 months ago

Based on statistical data and public information, Stanford University has consistently had one of the lowest acceptance rates among U.S. universities. For the class of 2024, the acceptance rate was a mere 4.3%, making it incredibly competitive.

Close contenders to Stanford include top Ivy League schools such as Harvard University and Columbia University, both of which also have acceptance rates often less than 5%.

However, overall acceptance rates can be a bit misleading as they do not paint the entire picture. For some programs or majors, acceptance rates can be even lower. So, it's crucial to note that the level of competition can vary significantly based on the specific program and the applicant's profile.

Knowing this information can indeed help to understand the competition out there, but also remember that each student's path is unique. It's important not to let these numbers discourage you, but to let them motivate you to prepare and present your best application possible.

3 months ago

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