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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
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Is Coppin University's Application Process Really that Difficult?

Ok, so I've got some questions. I've heard around the grapevine that Coppin University's application is notoriously hard. Is this true? If so, what's challenging about it? Is it the essays, interview, recs, or something else? Help a curious junior out?

3 months ago

Hello there! It's normal to feel a bit apprehensive about college application processes - they seem daunting, but they're certainly manageable. When it comes to Coppin State University (CSU), the admission process is not generally known as notoriously difficult.

CSU uses the Common Black College Application, which actually allows you to apply to any number of Member Institutions at the same time. It requires academic information, extracurricular activities, and short essays.

The difficult parts of any college application usually come down to personal statement, supplemental essays, and obtaining letters of recommendation. For CSU, one of the key challenges would be to make sure that your application stands out. So here's where putting effort into your personal statement and showcasing your accomplishments and goals becomes important. I would recommend using this opportunity to make a case for yourself - why are you a good fit for CSU? What unique experiences or skills do you bring?

As for letters of recommendation, ensure you ask individuals who truly know your work, character, and objectives. Preferably, these individuals would be able to comment on your ability to succeed in a university environment.

If there's an interview, approach it like a conversation. The school wants to know you more and confirm if you're a good fit. Use the opportunity to also find out if the school aligns with your goals.

Remember, each university has its own unique application process and it would be beneficial to familiarize yourself with the specifics of CSU's application procedures. If you're not sure about anything, don't hesitate to contact their admissions department. They're there to help! Best of luck!

3 months ago

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